Kids News - Current Events

Wingsuit Diving Goes Mainstream

Wingsuit diving, a sport where daredevils leap off airplanes or mountains and fly at speeds exceeding 100mph with the help of just their birdman or squirrel suits, has be...

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'Master The Force' To Explode Watermelons!

How often have you wished you could be like Luke Skywalker and master the 'force' of your mind to make things happen. Now thanks to two residents your wish may be granted...

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The Snail House - Escargots Not Welcome!

Over the years, we have told you about numerous amazing architectural structures ranging from China's Lucky Coin building to Copenhagen's Interactive Children's Pavilion,...

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Gods And Warriors By Michelle Paver

Michele Paver, the author of the hugely popular Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Series is back! Gods And Warriors, the first book of her new series is set in the turbulent...

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Video Of The Week - Are You Smarter Than A Chimp?

Humans believe that they are at the top of the food chain because they can outsmart any living being on this planet - While that may be true to some extent, animals, espe...

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