Kids News - Current Events

It's Friday The 13th . . . . . Again!

When the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, it seems to generate an irrational fear in some people. While during most years the two coincide once or at the most twi...

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A Cavity Free World? Now That, Would Be Cool!

While a visit to any physician can be terrifying the one to the dentist has to be the worst of all. One never knows when he/she will shake their head in dismay and mouth...

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Happy July 4th!

On behalf of the DOGOnews team, we would like to wish you all a happy July 4th! We are taking a short break to enjoy the nation's birthday, but will be back with more exc...

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Video Of The Week- The Smart Bed That Makes Itself

Every kid and adult knows how hard and time-consuming it is to make one's bed. First you have to lift and fluff the pillows, then flatten the comforter and tuck it all th...

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Can You Scream For The World's Biggest Ice Cream Cone?

What's better than having an ice cream cone? How about one that is 13 feet high and filled with one ton of ice cream? That was what the lucky people of Gloucester, Englan...

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