Kids News - Current Events

Legendary Groundhog Predicts Spring In Two Weeks!

If you have been pummeled by this year's harsh winter, take heart, for spring is around the corner. At least that's what legendary groundhog 'Punxsutawney Phil', 'predict...

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How The Seahorse Got Its 'Curves'

Scientists have often wondered why the seahorse, with its curvy neck and snout resembles a horse, to which it has no relationship, rather than its closest cousin, the str...

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Lady Gaga - Polaroid's New Chief Creative Officer!

Lady Gaga’s quirky and imaginative outfits never fail to stun us, so it should comes as no surprise that having conquered the music world, she has now decided to try her...

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Japan's Latest Fashion Craze - LED Teeth

You have probably heard the expression - He/she lights up the room with his/her dazzling smile. Now you can outshine any pearly whites with this latest Japanese fashion c...

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Norwegian Artist Makes Some 'Icy Cool' Music

People make all kinds of 'cool' things out of ice - Ranging from frozen aquariums to ice hotels. But, Norwegian-born musician and composer Terje Isungset, has found a tru...

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The Hottest Planet In The Universe Is . .

A team of scientists led by Alex Smith from Keele University in Staffordshire, UK, recently revealed the discovery of what they believe is the hottest planet in our Unive...

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Afraid Of Sharks? Wear Dark Colors!

The biggest fear most surfers and swimmers face when they head out deep into the oceans, is being attacked by a shark. Now, a new study released by Australian scientists...

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