Kids News - Current Events

Sea Lions Skip 20th Anniversary Celebrations!

San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf is known for its cheesy gift shops, snazzy street performers, clam chowder served in their world famous sourdough bread bowl and. . . ....

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Happy New Year!

Last night, people all over the globe welcomed 2010 with some amazing fireworks - Here are a few video clips from some of biggest and best celebrations. So grab a cup of...

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An Extra Special New Year's Eve

The night before the beginning of a New Year is always special. However, tonight is even more so, as the skies will be lit up by a full moon - the 13th one of the year an...

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Happy Holidays!

On behalf of the DOGONews team, we would like to wish all you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy 2010!

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Video Of The Week - The Ukulele Boy

This unidentified five-year old attempting to sing Jason Mraz's song 'I Am Yours' whilst playing his Ukulele, is the latest sensation on the Internet - And a great video...

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China's Ice And Snow Sculpture Extravaganza

Now in its 26th year, China's annual Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, is one of the largest and most popular festival of its kind in the world. Held in Harbin, the capita...

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December 21st - The Beginning Of Winter!

With most of the East coast already blanketed in snow, it is difficult to believe that winter is just beginning in the Northern Hemisphere. For today, December 21st marks...

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