samuraigabe101's Activity (1877)

  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    I completely agree with the fact that the best and long-term solution for the rise in levels of Carbon-Dioxide is taking green initiatives. From a certain standpoint, I do not believe that this new initiative taken to reduce the gas levels will be successful, since carbon dioxide is kind of a harmful gas, according to science. Besides, we do not know what are the other harmful effects that the gas has on Earth's lower surface. I believe that the gas would be useful in making the interior of cars in the future, and it seems a much safer and cheaper process. The gas mixing with rocks in the Earth's lower surface can possibly lead to rigorous reactions that might even affect us. I think that this process should be assessed before it is going to be widely used.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    All living organisms need rest/sleep so that their bodies can function properly, but it is flabbergasting to hear that great frigate birds can travel for long distances without sleep. As mentioned in this article, these birds might be facing difficulties due to the harsh winds and other climatic conditions, which will make it difficult for them to find food and prevent them from flying. Of course, this is not to ignore the fact that the cause for these conditions are our careless actions. Not only is this affecting birds, but several other animals are suffering. But, remember that however much action is taken to save these animals from being endangered, they will diminish from our planet. That is an eternal truth, because one day, even the most intellectual beings inhabiting the Earth will disappear.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    My guess is that this new meteorite discovered was a fragment of that big asteroid which hit earth 80 millenniums ago.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    This article reminds me of 19th century scientist Albert Einstein, who is a significant historical figure in science. This boy is a good example of someone who wants to do something for the society for their benefit. The new note does look very nice compared to other currencies notes.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    The fact that this so called "Solid Rain" powder is good cannot be proven just because a resident and a former farmer say so. This topic reminds me of the chemistry and biology lessons I did at school. Like scientists say, a chemical as such must be tested and proved to be unharmful and safe before it gets into the market. Because, chemicals can contain a lot of substances that aren't safe to be used. Furthermore, it is surprising that the water can be stored for over ten years. From my perspective, this powder should be test further in order to ensure that it is safe.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    I have heard of these Pallas's cats when I was reading about felines. But, this PICA organization is a waste, since this species of cats will surely become extinct. Whatsoever, these felines are an interesting species to research about. I have had a very keen interesting in reading about animals, especially the felids. I am from Sri Lanka and our country has felines like the rusty-spotted cat, fishing cat and most importantly, leopards. Our country's Yala National Park consists of the highest density of leopards in the world. Cats are very beautiful animals. There is one cat who is a mix of black and white colour and he visits our home daily. He looks like a "mini-leopard", except for the fact that he doesn't have those black spots that leopards do. No matter how hard these organizations try to stop these Pallas's cats from being extinct, they all will one day perish away from our planet. We must understand that one day even we will have to go extinct. I am saying this from a religious perspective.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    The marine life is in very great danger, due to the pollution caused by humans. These innocent animals will soon become extinct if this pollution continues. We as the wrongdoers must take the initiative in preventing the ocean from being polluted by not dumping toxic and unnecessary things. This article is a clear example of how badly our careless actions are affecting these organisms. This is a sin. We might not be able to eradicate this problem soon, but as time passes, so will the problem reduce eventually. It is our planet, and we must take care of it and protect our planets organisms as intellectuals.
    Over 7 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    Wow. Our home planet's crops do grow on extraterrestrial soil from other plants. While this may seem surprising, there are a few changes in the fruits and vegetables appearance and difference in growth, due to the higher and lower concentrations of different mineral salts in the soil. These changes can be good and bad in a way, since some conditions of the vegetables and plants may harm our stomachs while they can be beneficial. It is good that this discovery was made, since in the distant future, in case we leave our planet, we can move to these planets and lead our lives.
    Almost 8 years ago
  • dulajperera
    dulajperera added a new comment in
    If these greenland sharks have an approximately accurate lifespan of 200-500 years, it is no surprise that only these animals could be the ones with such a lifespan, since there are several other animals in the Arctic and North Atlantic water. Although it is said their growth is low, the Greenland Sharks are considered to be one of the largest shark species. It would be more exciting to know if these sharks can live for a longer time. But, what surprises me is that these shark species have never been observed hunting, yet their prey includes sharks, skates, eels, herring, capelin, Arctic char, cod, redfish, sculpins, lumpfish, wolffish, and flounder. It is also believed that these sharks are attracted to the smelling of rotting meat.
    Almost 8 years ago

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