Kids News - Current Events

Coming Soon To A Theme Park Near You - A Pizza Vending Machine!

Theme parks can be a lot of fun except for one thing - The long lines. Though the ones for rides can be avoided with a Fast Pass, there is no easy fix when trying to get...

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Video Of The Week - Transit Of Venus

On June 5th and 6th 2012, people all over the world had the rare opportunity to see Venus as it made its way around the sun. Unfortunately, thanks to foggy skies, time of...

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Japan's Tsunami Debris Drags 'Alien' Creatures To Oregon

When the powerful tsunami that devastated portions of Japan on March 11th, 2011 receded, it carried along with it all kinds of debris - Ranging from over 200,000 building...

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Rinser Toothbrush Magically Transforms Into A Water Fountain!

Let's face it - Brushing teeth day after day can be bit of a pain. What's even worse is trying to grab 'handfuls' of water to rinse out the toothpaste. Not only is it dif...

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