Kids News - Current Events

Philippine Residents Finally See The (Day)Light!

Access to cheap and plentiful electricity is something most of us take for granted. However, such is not the case in many parts of the world, especially in third world co...

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Video of the Week- Einstein, The Talkative Parrot

Everyone knows that parrots are smart birds and that they can mimic human languages easily - But this bird is so smart that they call him Einstein! And, the Congo African...

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Milwaukee Zoo Primates Love Their iPads!

The Milwaukee County Zoo has just taken animal enrichment to a whole new level. Instead of providing their resident gorillas and orangutans with a new swing or tree house...

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A Ten-Year Tribute To The Victims & Heroes Of 9/11

9/11/2001 will be etched in the hearts & minds of Americans forever for two primary reasons - good and bad. On the tragic side, it was a day when 3,000 innocent people lo...

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