Kids News - Current Events

India Celebrates Holi - The Festival Of Color

The religion of Hinduism has many festivals, with some celebrations that last for weeks on end. However, none of them come even close to Holi, India's most colorful and f...

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NASA's MESSENGER Successfully Enters Mercury's Orbit

It took NASA's spacecraft, MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, Geochemistry and Ranging, AKA MESSENGER, six and a half years and some clever maneuvering - But on Thursday...

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It's St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! It's that fun day of year when you can pinch your friends (not wearing green) without getting in trouble, run around the school yard in search of...

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Video Of The Week - Happy Pi Day!

Happy 22nd Pi Day! Hope you are all enjoying this national day that celebrates the mathematical constant Pi (π), which begins with the digits 3.14 and is simply the ratio...

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Cooking With Miranda - Kiwi Lime Pie

In this month's episode, I salute two big events - National Pi day (the ratio of a circle’s circumference to it’s diameter), which happens to be today and, St. Patrick's...

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Real-Life 'UP' House Soars High In California's Mojave Desert

Carl Frederickson's house flight powered by helium balloons in Pixar's Up, has inspired many people. First the balloons were used to pull a then, they helped lift . Howev...

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Finally, A Skateboard With Style and Oomph!

Skateboards are fun - but a lot of hard work, not only in terms of the effort, but also, finding the right terrain that will make for a smooth, flawless ride. While there...

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