Kids News - Current Events

Utah Eighth-Grader's iPhone App Topples 'Angry Birds'

Anyone who has ever downloaded game apps on their smart devices (and who hasn't) knows that 'Angry Birds' has ruled the roost for a long time. Well, now there is a new ap...

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The Secret Language Of Prairie Dogs

Who would have thought that every squeal, squeak and chirp that comes out of the mouth of the humble Gunnison Prairie dog means something? A three decade study of these r...

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Can You Spot The Artist?

All artists are passionate and close to their creations, but very few can claim to be as connected to their masterpieces as 38-year old Liu Bolin, who literally melts int...

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Edinburgh Man Takes On 27 New Middle Names!

36-year old Barnaby Usansky liked his name - However, he never felt it was quite long enough. So one fine morning, he decided to add a few middle names. His new official...

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World's Lightest Solid Gets Even Lighter

They look like wisps of smoke and are so light that they have been nicknamed 'Frozen Smoke' - But make no mistake about it, the airy looking translucent aerogels are not...

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Turning Chopsticks Back To Trees

Though most people think that chopsticks are made from scrap wood, they are actually made from trees - Not just any trees, but Aspens, sometimes also known as the 'mother...

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