Kids News - Current Events

A Transformer Even Autobots Would Approve Of

What do you do with that old car that is gathering dust in your garage, simply because it carries too many memories? Craft it into a . . . . . . Transformer of course! Th...

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World's Largest Gold Coin Fetches $4MM USD

Earlier this week, the world's largest coin went up for sale at an auction in Vienna, Austria and was almost immediately picked up ORO, a Madrid-based gold trading compan...

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See You Later Alligator!

Samantha Young is a nine-year old with an unusual hobby - wrestling alligators - And, it's not a fad either! This younger, cuter version of Crocodile or in this case Alli...

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Oops - I Think I Swallowed A Cat (Or Two)!

Poor little Snowy was very sick - The normally energetic dog was unable eat or drink and was extremely lethargic. When he started throwing up, his concerned owners, Saman...

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Candy Land Comes To Life At Kan Dee Land Corner

If you are born in the United States, chances are that your first board game was Candy Land - the fun-filled adventure where your eyes feasted through yummy peppermint st...

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Deciphered! -The Secret Language Of Orangutans

The next time you see an Orangutan gesturing or even throwing something at you, chances are that it is not doing it without plan, but actually trying to tell you somethin...

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California 7th-Graders Uncover Martian Cave

A 7th-Grade class from California's Evergreen Middle School made an exciting discovery last week - A hitherto unnoticed cave on the Mars, that experts believe may be as b...

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Video Of The Week - Best 10 World Cup Goals

As the 2010 World Cup unfolds, with its unexpected wins and upsets, all of us await on tenterhooks to see who will take home the coveted FIFA trophy. It is therefore only...

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