Kids News - Current Events

Cubesail - A Vacuum Cleaner For Space

While Space research is exciting and crucial to our future well-being, there is a serious and growing concern about the amount of debris we leave behind every time we lau...

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Got Milk? Vermont Bear's Adventure Inside A Milk Gallon!

Over the weekend, a young Vermont black bear payed dearly for his curiosity. Upon coming across an old fashioned milk gallon, the bear decided to stick his head inside on...

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Finally! Some Green Packaging

While individual are trying to be as 'green' as possible, corporations have been slow adopters. However, things seem to be changing. Recently two major corporations, Frit...

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Learn Math - Beat A Traffic Ticket!

You have probably heard of several reasons why knowing your math is soooo important - It can help you manage your money, make you a , etc. etc. Here is one you haven't he...

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Video Of The Week - Red Bull's Amazing Skydive Team

Sports drink manufacturer, Red Bull is known to sponsor and film the most extreme sports. But this heart-stopping video capturing a human link created between two flying...

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Countdown To Earth Day 2010

April 22, 2010 is Earth Day - an international day of observance of environmental issues. This day was first observed in North America on April 22, 1970 to highlight envi...

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Saving The Andean Condor

The Andean Condor is one of the largest flying birds in the world. It has a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters (138 inches), weighs about 25 lbs and can stand up 1.25 meters (4...

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Bolivia's Salt Mines

Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat, measuring over 4,000 square miles was recently listed as one of the 25 wonders of the world.

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A Pig In Sheep's Clothing?

We have all heard of the expression 'A wolf in sheep's clothing', but a pig? And this is not an expression either, but a species of the pig family, known as the Curly Coa...

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