Kids News - Current Events

Think You Have Bad Weather?

As the third blizzard of the month slams the Eastern Coast of the United States, many of you are wondering when this seemingly endless winter of 2010 will cease. However,...

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Arizona Dane Is World's Tallest Dog . . . . Ever!

A four-year old Great Dane from Tucson, Arizona has a new nickname - 'Giant George' - And rightfully so, because he is not just the World's Tallest Dog, but the World's T...

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When 'Pygmy' Dinosaurs Roamed The Earth

Any mention of dinosaurs usually invokes images of huge creatures. However, Paleontologists now believe that there was a much smaller species of dinosaurs - the size of m...

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GatorBike Anyone?

If you like exotic animals and fast bikes, you are going to love the GatorBike which, as the name indicates, is literally an alligator (dead of course) mounted on a bike!...

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Now This Is A Swimming Pool!

There are swimming pools and then there is this swimming pool. Located at the San Alfonso del Mar Resort in Algarroba, Chile, it is the size of 6,000 standard pools combi...

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Bald Eagle Gets A Visit From The Dentist

Earlier this week, Cyrano, a bald eagle in Anchorage, Alaska had an appointment with the local dentist about an unusual problem - a giant big hole in his majestic beak!...

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Panda Cubs Head To 'Kindergarten'

On February 6th, the Kindergarten room in China's Wolong National Reserve was abuzz with excitement - Sixteen Kindergarten teachers ran around frantically, trying to get...

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