Kids News - Current Events

South African Surfers Set New Record

What happens when a group of surfers ride a single wave, simultaneously - They set a new world record of course! At least that's what happened to the surfing enthusiasts...

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Being A 'Pinhead' Is Just Fine - So Say The Experts!

The next time someone calls you a 'pinhead', you should take it as a compliment - That's because researchers recently revealed that the size of animals' brain, has no bea...

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Who Knew Fruits And Vegetables Could Look So Good?

The thought of eating vegetables like green beans, courgettes (zucchini), runner beans, radishes and leeks probably makes most of you shudder. But then again, you have pr...

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The Jack Of All Trades (And Master Of Many!)

Most people have one talent, but Sati Achath has four. He is a hand shadow master, ventriloquist, magician and artist - And those are just his hobbies. In the day time, t...

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Row, Row, Row Your Boat . . . . . . Across The Pacific!

Friday, the 13th was a great day for two British seafarers - For that was day when Captain Mick Dawson and Chris Martin completed the Golden Gate Endeavour, a 5,000-mile...

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This Dress Will Light Up Any Room!

Looking for that special dress this holiday season? How about the Galaxy Dress? Embedded with 24,000 LED lights and 4,000 Swarovski crystals, this dress is bound to make...

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