Kids News - Current Events

'Notes Left Behind' - A Six-Year Olds Poignant Legacy

Elena Desserich was a vivacious five-year old, with beautiful blond hair, a dazzling smile and a spring in her step. She loved to draw, write and read and dreamed of bein...

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Can You Speedcube?

Last month, over three hundred and fifty Rubik's Cube enthusiasts gathered in Dusseldorf, Germany to compete in the 5th annual World Rubik's Cube Championship.

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It's Official - Comic Books Are Good For Learning!

The next time your parents or teacher you for reading comic books, steer them toward this article. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of has reveal...

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Beijing Gets Clobbered With Man-Made Snow Storm

On November 2nd, the streets of Beijing were treated to an unseasonal snow storm - one that lasted for 11 hours, blanketing the entire city with 16 million tons of snow a...

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Why Are These Bears Losing Their Fur?

The Leipzig Zoo in Germany is facing a very bizarre problem - Their female bears, Dolores and Lolita are losing all their fur and nobody knows why it is happening.

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The Lady In Pink

Though most girls and (some) boys start out loving the color pink, they soon grow out of the obsession, but not Kitten Kay Sera - A 46-year old actress from Los Angeles,...

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Fisherman Discovers Starfish With Eight Legs

Earlier this month, a fisherman, fishing for crab off the coast of Cornwall, accidentally caught what scientists believe is the first recorded octo-fish, a Spiny Starfish...

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Video Of The Week - The Internet Turns 40!

The Internet has become such an important part of our everyday lives that most of us have a hard time imagining life without it. It is therefore mind-boggling to think th...

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A Driver Less Car? Now There Is An App For That!

Ever since Apple introduced the iPhone, there have been thousands of applications developed for it, ranging from games to maps to even creating instant art. Now computer...

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