Pac-Man Typing

By Sona Dolasia

Pac-Man Typing

Pac-Man Typing game is fun way to practice your typing skills. Instead of using the normal arrows you use letters. While it may sound easy it is tricky because once you use the letter that makes you go one direction it changes allowing you to sharpen your tying skills. And, just like in the real Pac-Man, the point of the game is to eat all the pac-dots and of course afterwards another ghost comes out and tries to eat you.

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  • morgan:)over 11 years
    i l;ike this game lool
    • lexiover 11 years
      this is really wied
      • Panda1808over 11 years
        I love pac-man:)
        • yo people over 11 years
          i jjust wrote that 3 days ago and then in 3 days i will write i again lol!!!
          • hey peoplealmost 12 years
            i am the best at typing games yayayay<3
            • hey peoplealmost 12 years
              hey this games is roken cool
              • BIBIBIBIBIBIalmost 12 years
                This website rules
                • carissaalmost 12 years
                  I <3 pacman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  • littlelady
                    littleladyalmost 12 years
                    I suck at typing but it was fun
                    • gameralmost 12 years
                      pac man tying game is really fun

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