Pac-Man Typing

By Sona Dolasia

Pac-Man Typing

Pac-Man Typing game is fun way to practice your typing skills. Instead of using the normal arrows you use letters. While it may sound easy it is tricky because once you use the letter that makes you go one direction it changes allowing you to sharpen your tying skills. And, just like in the real Pac-Man, the point of the game is to eat all the pac-dots and of course afterwards another ghost comes out and tries to eat you.

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  • antoine over 11 years
    i love this website so much i have to go tell my friends at school
    • momover 11 years
      i love this website
      • paetyn
        paetynover 11 years
        i like this game its fun.
        • Ashlynn Priceover 11 years
          my kids are always on here
          • antlol
            antlolover 11 years
            • kylieover 11 years
              My kids and I LOVE KeyMan...AWSOME
              • Oprahover 11 years
                KeyMan is Awesome i play it with my grandkids ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!:) i love you keyman
                • Sup?over 11 years
                  This is a really cool website because you can learn how to type without looking and also you can type reallly fast without looking to. And I love pac-man so if i want to learn how to type and want to play pac-man i will just come to this website and learn how to type.My classmates in computer lab see how fast I can type without looking.My teacher Mr.Mason, hands out these papers for us to look up and do. People type slowly in my class but the only people who type fast are the ones who have to look when there typing.But to me other then coping it down I can get down in about 5 minutes with like 12 question's to do. But this website has got me through a lot of typing problems.Like this one time in 3rd grade my teacher told us in like 4th grade you will have these lap tops to practice typing in so over the summer you might want to bring your typing speed up. Because when i was little, Like I said in 3rd grade qe keep asking the teacher were is he letters at? And then the next day our teacher gave us a typing assiment. Then he said swe had to finish it in 5 minutes. We had very shocked that he said that to us and he had a look own his face that was serious so we ran to our sit's turned our computer on and we stated ae work. 5 minutes later he said times up and he said I'm grading this as well. By then we were very scared because we only got like 2 done out of like 4. Then he went up to the front of the room and said. I did this for your own good because, you are very slow typers and this needs to speed ypour typing speen up. He said we would do this every morning and we was not lying.So thats how we got our typing speed up.And all summer I was getting better and better at my speed. But this website also help me very well. And this very lon note i typen in less then 3 minutes. Cheers to pac-man. LLOOLL!!!
                  • mr. coolover 11 years
                    THIS HAS HELPED ME!!!!!! NOW I CAN TYPE LESS THEN 10 MIN :)
                    • mr. coolover 11 years
                      AWESOME GAME DUDE

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